
A Systems Approach to Life

Hi, I’m Sara.

For the past year, I've been taking a systematic approach to life. This isn't just a story of discovery; it's a peek into my life.

It all started with a sensing journey.


Sensing Journey

How it started-After months of reading and research, I decided to transform these theories into practice in the dry fields of Murcia, Spain.

But that was just the beginning.

I was catapulted to The States.

To Conduct Ethnographic Research

I spearheaded a month-long field study, engaging with farmers across the spectrum—from small-scale regenerative to large-scale industrial farms—interviewing more than 16 farmers and various other stakeholders over the course of one month, sleeping in the back of a Tesla to save on time and money.

Where I listened to understand.

To make sense of it all.

We Clustered for Clarity

By the time you’ve listened to all 16 interviews, extracted every insight, grouped them into themes, and analyzed them, things start to ‘pop out’. Call them what you will—the golden nuggets, the needle in the haystack, hidden gems. Your dedication to the process always rewards you.

Which included collaborating with others

Connected the Dots

With the themes identified, the next step was to delve deeper into these patterns to understand the underlying relationships between them. This involved looking at how different themes interacted each other. Armed with a clearer understanding of the interconnections between themes, we drafted 13 key challenge questions.

And combined UX Methodologies + Systems Thinking

Identified the Key Elements

We used this framework to develop a systems map for each challenge question.

To look at the bigger picture

Mapped Parts of the System

We mapped each challenge question to identify leverage points and areas for intervention.

This challenge question: How might we simplify and disseminate university research to make it more accessible for people who can influence public policy and drive societal change?

Used the power of the collective

Ran an Ideation workshop

After using an impact vs. feasibility matrix to determine which insights has the most impact and were the most feasible to tackle, we were set for an ideation workshop.


Where we framed the problem


Used stories to guide the session


To generate radical ideas


We won an award


To further develop our MVP for the Web Summit event in November